

expanding on a comic i made a while ago. I love you, vampire steve buscemi



The thing about this is that sculptures like these in art history were for the male gaze. Photoshop a phone to it and suddenly she’s seen as vain and conceited. That’s why I’m 100% for selfie culture because apparently men can gawk at women but when we realize how beautiful we are we’re suddenly full of ourselves…

“You painted a naked woman because you enjoyed looking at her, put a mirror in her hand and you called the painting “Vanity,” thus morally condemning the woman whose nakedness you had depicted for you own pleasure.” ― John Berger, Ways of Seeing

Tumblr is actively shadowbanning visual artists





Yes, it is.
They stated that no account will be deleted, only adult contents will be oscured and and made private.
But it’s not what is happening.
Tumblr is shadowbanning all visual artists, no matter if they have NSFW or SFW material on their blogs. And this is mainly damaging the visual artists in the fandoms.
The proof?
Until some time ago, typing “Johnlock” in the dashboard search bar, I had among the popular results, tons of fanarts from the most famous artists. The fanarts were the most immediate and numerous result of the research, I’m sure you remember this.
Now it has completely changed. These are the search results on “Johnlock” search from today. There are almost exclusively text posts, chats, and memes. Don’t get me wrong, I have nothing against memes or text posts, they are great. The problem is that fanarts, manips, photosets, gifset, and even most of the actors’ photos have disappeared from the research.

Is it strange? Not a result from Anotherwellkeptsecret, Reapersun, Bluebellofbakerstreet? How is it possible?
Because Tumblr doesn’t want fandom material on its site anymore, and it doesn’t give a toss if it’s SFW or not. You’re a fandom artist? You are punished by becoming invisible.
So much for “SFW content is still allowed,” right? :)))
No, in reality it is not.
How are users supposed to find new artists to follow, if they’re shadowbanned?
How are arists supposed to make themselves known and show their creations, if they can’t be seen?

I surely don’t have to remind you that many artists use commissions to pay bills and as a help to live. If they are no longer visible, they will lose commissioners, and even if they don’t do commissions, this attitude of Tumblr will discourage them from creating new art, since they will be invisible.
There will be less new contents, less ficlets written under fanarts (if I don’t see the fanart, I can’t write a ficlet inspired by it).
We are all losing, due to the new Tumblr policy.

All of this adds up to other forms of boycott that Tumblr is using:
– internal research that no longer works: you can no longer explore the tags in a blog, because you do not see any results;
– some users don’t appear in the list of the notes to a post, even if they added something;
– for many users, their most popular posts are no longer visible under their username and blog title;

Tumblr doesn’t even allow anymore a visual preview of its own links, inside and outside Tumblr:

Besides, there are the old problems this site always had, never solved and now even more serious. The @ function doesn’t work anymore for many of us, and many peole don’t receive notifications from other users who have addressed them specifically.
Seeing what the situation is like, I don’t think they have the will to fix any of these errors.

Ultimately, we can also decide to remain here, but it’s clear that the site no longer wants us here, and it’s doing all it can to crush us and make us invisible.

But what can we do to fight back? Not much, I’m afraid. The only thig I can think about, is:

Follow and reblog





Make sure you follow all your fave artists before December, 17th, so you can keep track of them, and you can visit their blog directly, if you don’t see them in the search or in the dashboard.
And reblog their art, EVER. It could be the only way to save them from the oblivion.
Lurkers, readers, writers can be safe, for now, but our artist comrades are under attack.
This is the time to show that a fandom is truly a community, giving them all the support we can.

As a form of protest, and since I believe that Tumblr will try to shadowban this post, I have decided that I will punish it every day.
Deal with it, @staff 🙂

“Not safe for work content will be taken off starting Dec 17″

“Also Safe for work content will be removed”

If Tumblr is so desperate to kill itself just shut down the servers

Well, this is worrying.

It’s not surprising but seeing more people getting hit with a shadowban makes me wonder where Tumblr is eventually heading towards. It’s like looking at a person very slowly walk towards a cliff, and no matter how much you yell at them, they just keep walking.

Still, let’s see where this is going.

Writers are as well!

There are cases of writers being shadowban with our own fandom! Along with other fandoms!

Tumblr is destroying their own website to the ground.

This is disgrace for all creators!

Spread the word!

Writers and artists are being hit by this ‘new and improved’ tumblr cycle.

Please have other links where your readers can find your work! Just in case, tumblr decides to shadowban you as well or worst delete your blog.